“King of Titan”

Shawn Tyndale traveled a rough road to Titan. 

Ripples in Space Spring 2019

“Antoine’s Universe”

Antoine had auspicious beginnings.

Glass Mountain Magazine Spring 2019

“The Homebrew Time Machine Club”

I brought the beer the night we watched Jesus die.

Rumble Fish Quarterly, Winter 2019

“Donna Swift”

Carl felt like he’d dropped into a sixties sitcom.

Fall 2018

“Monsters in the Cellar”

Momma always told me, “Don’t go in the storm cellar—there’s monsters down there.” But Momma’s gone now, and her lies with her.

Dark Ink Press Fall Fiction Anthology

“Sport Trim Package In Ingot Silver”

Brandon and Keira are buying—and they have so many options.

June 2018

“Moon Window”

Neal Bickley had thought that a public ass-chewing couldn’t be that bad.

Dreamers Creative Writing Stories & Poems

“Mithras’ Hand”

Hypatos has made a terrifying discovery.

Lost and Found